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Why I Throw MVP, Axiom, and Streamline

I started playing disc golf seriously in 2014. I bought a Discraft starter pack and soon discovered other brands and their affiliates: Innova, Latitude 64, DGA, and MVP.  All of them make some great discs like the Tern, Wraith, Leopard, Truth, Trespass, Squall, Undertow, and Buzzz. I’ve carried all these discs, and many (many) more, but I now throw MVP, Axiom, and Streamline discs. Why is that?

I’ve thought about it and the answer comes down to three “C’s”: Consistency, Control, and Colours. 

1a. Consistency of molds: When buying discs, I like being able to get basically the same disc each time. That way if you lose one, or want one that is a little more or less stable (based on weight and plastic), you can buy it without having to wonder whether it will be the disc it is advertised to be. I’ve found MVP’s molds to be fairly consistent – not perfect, but very good.

1b. Consistency of flight characteristics: I find the flight of MVP discs to be predictable according to their numbers. Generally, what you buy is what you get. An Atom is a straight flying putt and approach disc, as advertised. A Matrix is straight to fade midrange with a bit of turn.  A Crave is a straight fairway driver and a Mayhem is a straight bomber with turn and fade. All of these fly just as advertised, and when you throw them they rarely do anything different, apart from user error.

2. Control: With consistency of flight comes control of landing. I know my Matrix will fly straight and fade at about 250-275′. I know my Tangent will hold a nice 220′ anhyzer. My Atom will fly any direction I point it with a fade at the end. My Wrath will hold a straight line without turning over and fade at about 275-300′. You get the idea. I’m never worried that one of my gyro discs will do something other than what it always does. It gives me confidence throwing them! I found that many of the discs I threw previously flew as advertised about 66% of the time, and the other 33% anything could happen. No doubt this was due to my far-from-perfect form – but that’s the point: I’m an intermediate disc golfer with mediocre form, and I need discs that make up for that!  And MVP delivers.

3. Colours: Looks are subjective, but it’s hard to argue that MVP makes some nice-looking discs. The black overmold surrounding the coloured plastic, combined with the black font, makes for a sleek looking disc. I’m partial to red and blue, but there are other great combos as well. The Axiom brand with the coloured rims provides some beautiful two-tone colour combos, and some great stock art. Streamline discs have taken a mid-20th century (1930s-50s?) look with some beautiful stock art. The Plasma Trace with it’s striking metallic flying saucer is among my favourites.

So that’s why I play with discs from MVP, Axiom and Streamline. Other manufacturers make some great discs, but in my view, MVP outshines them all.

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Axiom Alias Review

The Alias is a straight workhouse mid with flight ratings 4/4-1/1. It is not super-long, but it is accurate and has enough stability to be reliable. It is a point-and-shoot disc in that it goes wherever you throw it. It flies like a cross between an Innova Roc and a Discraft Buzzz, with the Roc’s amazing hover-glide and Buzzz’s straight-and-dump at the end.

I use my Alias for a few different shots:

  • 100-200ft upshots: There are times when I could use a putter to lay up, but I find it easier to throw the Alias on a low hyzer line, or straight line with predictable fade at the end. The slightly below average glide makes it very controllable.
  • Straight shots: The Alias excels at going straight. Sometimes I throw it with a hyzer-flip and it goes straight and true. If you throw it hard enough it will turn some, but if you give it enough height it will fight the turn and stay fairly straight. It’s a slow, beautiful shot to watch.
  • Anhyzer shots: The Alias can be forced into a turnover shot and will hold the line if given enough power. It’s point-and-shoot ability shines on this shot.

Like all Axiom discs it comes in a great variety of beautiful colours. I have red on red combo in proton plastic, and a blue on light blue in Neutron. I really like the look of both of these and find their stabilities to similar, with the neutron being perhaps a bit less stable.

The Alias fits in my midrange line up in increasing stability as follows: Tangent/Alias/Matrix/Deflector.  It has more stability than a Tangent, and a more predictable fade also. 

I tried out an Axis for a bit to compete with the Alias, but it didn’t last long. The Axis is a good disc, but a couple things kept it from replacing the Alias:

  • The Axis felt too close to being a faster Tangent. 
  • The Alias was more controllable due to more stability, less speed and less glide.

I recommend the Alias as a solid, reliable, point-and-shoot midrange. You can find one here on Faithful Flight.

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Axiom Mayhem Review

When I need max distance, I pull out my Axiom Mayhem, because it bombs. Axiom gives it flight ratings 13/5/-1.5/2, which sounds about right to me.

I throw it on a slight hyzer release and watch it go fast and far. It will hold a line for a long run, with great glide and  a bit of turn, and then it fights back with a solid fade. It is consistently my furthest flying disc. I’ve thrown Terns, Shrykes, and DDX’s, but the Mayhem is the one I finally settled on. It flies with a line like a Shryke and more stability than a DDX, but not so much that it fades out too soon.

In a medium headwind, the Mayhem will turn and burn, but it can handle some wind if you give more hyzer and/or height. It also works well for a high standstill hyzer bomb at shorter range, due to it’s great fade and fast speed.

Another thing I like about it is the great variety of colour combos offered by Axiom.

Then there’s the name itself – I like telling fellow disc golfers the name before I throw it – “Time for a little Mayhem!” and watching their reactions. It sounds like something crazy might happen when I throw it, and it gives me confidence to go for it.

I’ve thrown it in both Neutron and Proton plastic, and while I like both, the Neutron wins for me. I haven’t tried Plasma but can only imagine the bonus glide that it would give.

If you’re looking for fast distance driver that holds a line, then you need some Mayhem in your life.

You can pick one out right here at Faithful Flight.